
Happy New Year, New You, New...Advance Healthcare Directive!

Kathy Choice

2023 is over and 2024 here. There’s no better time to think about your future than now

Hey” to my fellow Californians,

We got through 2023 really fast and 2024 doesn’t appear to be coming in slow.  I’m sure some of us resolved to make changes for the year, be it to consistently go to the gym after getting a membership, start a savings plan, or even plan a dream trip.  Well, there’s something else I would like for you to think about and it’s something that could truly impact your life and the lives of those you love and love you, that is getting your California Advance Healthcare Directive in order.

What’s that you ask?  Think of it as the ultimate gift you hopefully will never need, but if you do you’ll be glad you have it, should life throw you a curveball.  It’s a legal document that expresses your medical care desires, wishes and values should you not be able to speak for yourself.  I know, I know, you don’t even want to think about anything like that and that’s natural, but let’s get back to real life.

Benefits of a California Advance Directive

A benefit to being in California is that the state respects your right to choose.  You can choose the person you want to speak for you, should you not be able to speak for yourself; this will be your Healthcare Agent.  You also get to say what is important to you, or not; this is your Instructions for Health Care.  There’s nothing spooky or magical about this document, it’s just you saying what is important to you.  Imagine the peace of mind your loved ones will have knowing you provided a “roadmap” that clarifies your wishes so they do not have to wonder and guess what you would have wanted for yourself.

Having the right person as your healthcare proxy or agent is important and should be someone you trust with your life.  This person will be your voice when you are not able to speak in an urgent medical situation.
Of your family and friends, the best person to be your proxy is the one that will respect and follow your desires, wishes and values. In some cases this may, or may not, be your default next-of-kin.
Personalize your Advance Directive by saying what is important to you

According to the Centers for Disease Control,, 70% of Americans do not have an advance care plan; nor an Advance Healthcare Directive.  By not having this document, loved ones and medical professional can only guess what is important to you. The potential for distress and confusion when making critical healthcare decisions is real. Does the person that is your default “next-of-kin” know what you may want regarding CPR (Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation), being on a ventilator, having a feeding tube, or even surgery?  These are just the tip of the iceberg of medical situations that can occur. If that person doesn’t know what you wanted, how can they make the best decisions for you? 

Contact us at Choice Solutions, where licensed healthcare professionals understand the healthcare environment and take time to explain what can happen in medical situations. We provide one-on-one assistance to help empower you to create your individualized Advance Healthcare Directive.  Our personalized services are unique to you, your life and your directive will be include your instructions and be unlike anyone else’s.

This isn’t a morbid chore, it’s an empowering act of self-care. Creating your personalized Advance Directive is a great way to say “cheers” to a future filled with the clarity, respect, and peace of mind you deserve.

P.S. Share this post with your family and friends in California!  Let’s make 2024 the year of empowered healthcare choices, one Advance Healthcare Directive at a time.